Luna Nocturna Collection

Palabra Florida.

Ya no me callas aunque me ignores.  Aunque refutes lo que digo viene de mi alma y es mi verdad. Lo que digo lo escucho yo, lo digo fuerte y lo digo como trueno no como insolente,  sino como valiente. Asi como en la noche cuando la luna forza que lo revuelto se calme y lo contenido salga brotando, así salen mis palabras como flores de mi boca . 

You no longer silence me even if you ignore. Even if you refuse what I say it comes from my soul and it is my truth. I can hear myself speak. I say it loudly like thunder not with insolence but with courage. My words sprout like flowers out of my mouth during the night when the moon forces the turned to settle and what has been contained to come out.

Mujer y su cráneo como máscara.

Bailó con la muerte, con mi máscara bailó desnuda. El már que todo lo limpia y que todo lo sana. Soy yo así con mis defectos y virtudes, soy libre y salvaje. Las estrellas sin luz de Luna son mis testigos en esta noche. Arde mi pasión y la divinidad femenina se regocija.

I dance with death, with my mask I dance naked. The ocean cleanses and heals everything. This is who I am with my defects and virtues, I am free and wild. The stars without the moon’s light are my witnesses tonight. My passion burns and the divine feminine rejoices.


Me murmuras desde el más allá que está más acá, hay un velo transparente que se llama la realidad. Murmuras poemas de amor y de paz. Belleza es tu soneto y de tu boca se escapan flores como aliento.

You whisper from the beyond that is closer to here. There is a transparent vail that is called reality.  You whisper poems of love and peace. Beauty is your sonet and flowers escape from your lips like breaths. 


Corazón de Maguey. 

Y si tuvieras un corazón? Estaría debajo de la tierra, conectado a tus raíces, sintiendo tu palpitar, sería el centro de universo subterráneo con su propio cielo estrellado. Tendrías un ojo en uno de tus pencas para informarle de las ocurrencias del mundo. Amarraría un liston rojo para protegerte de las envidias así como me enseñó doña Clorinda.

What if you had a heart? It would be under the earth, connected to your roots, feeling your pulse, it would be the center of the subterraneal universe with its own starry sky. You would have an eye on your leaf to inform you of the occurrences of the world. I would tie a red ribbon to protect you from the envies just like doña Clorinda taught me.

Mar adentro

Cómo rufián del tiempo y heroína de la noche, las olas del mar se tragan mis olvidos y limpian mis heridas. La corriente que jala por debajo lo invisible-  revuelca mis emociones, las alza y las estrella contra la playa. Lo denso y efímero que pasa dentro de mí lo celebro como triunfo de estar viva. 

Like a ruffian of time and a heroin of the night, the ocean waves swallow my memories and cleanse my wounds. The undercurrent that pulls the invisible- turns my emotions, lifts them and crashes them against the shore. I celebrate the dense and the ephimeral that flow through me as a triumph of being alive.

Naturaleza muerta. 

Muere miedo, que me lleva a la desesperación. Muere idea que no me sirves. Caigan como hojas incoloras, quebrándose y alimentando el suelo. Abran paso a la vida nueva, al amor que trae raíces y velos de adoración. Hagan espacio a que crezca las flores nuevas resonantes de alegría y la dulce paz. 

Die fear, that leads me to desperation. Die idea that no longer serves me. Fall like colorless leaves, that break and feed the soil. Make way to new life, to the love that has roots and vails of adoration. Make space for the new flowers to grow resonant with joy and sweet peace.

Colibri sobre la Mar.

Pequeño grande pajarito que me vistas por las mananas y en mis suenos, vuelas sobre la mar jalando mi barca de ilusiones.Colibri que cargas con mi corazon trayendo magia a zancadas. 

Humming bird over the ocean. Big little bird that visits me during my mornings and in my dreams, you fly over the sea pulling a ship of hope. Humming bird that carries my heart bringing magic in strides.

Dando a luz

Dando a luz a tu pequenito cuerpo lleno de luz y de estrellas. Amor fantastico que me vino a reventar el pecho. Asi justo pasan los ciclos y me lleno de regocijo por el honor de ser tu madre.

Giving birth to your little body full of light and stars. Fantastic love that came to explode my chest. Just like that, the cycles pass and I am full of joy and honor of being your mother.

Power- the power to write my own story, my own destiny, to fullfill my wishes, to be my own person. The power to express myself as a human being and as a woman. The right to make mistakes, the right to be successful and to be happy.

Dear Me. I don’t always take care of you, tend to the wounds immediately, reach for what I want, honor my dreams, or listen to you as much as I would like to. But I am getting better at it everytime I do not give up and reach a bit higher. I am here for you.

Alas. Wings of my soul, that I use to write and paint, to fly to my dreams with belief and find my flesh bursting open.

The Journey. My journey has winding roads, not straight lines. My roads go up and down, sometimes as high as the clouds and others are underground yet it is my road to enjoy. 

Adriana Martinez