My Creative Process

My creative process is done in segments of time of 1-3 hours since I am of mother of three girls and time management must be both flexible and intense.

I play with an idea that sparks wonder in me and I ask questions that are born from curiosity.

I then proceed to research the subject matter and gather reference pictures that I have carefully accumulated over the years of working with different indigenous communities and begin the actual execution of it.

The main image usually comes during this previous stage. When I say it comes, I mean like a vision or a dreamlike though as I am falling asleep or just sitting and relaxin or doing something not related to art.

After the initial sketches are made, in order to work out basic compositional elements- I begin with the painting or drawing and allow the background to emerge in a more spontaneous fashion as I am already in the process of drawing or painting.

If you have any questions or comments they are more than welcome.


Adriana Martinez